Skyrocketing Sales with Digital Marketing

We combine the most suitable marketing channels and strategies for your business and goals to achieve effective digital marketing focused on results.

Skyrocketing Sales with
Digital Marketing

We combine the most suitable marketing channels and strategies for your business and goals to achieve effective digital marketing focused on results.

3key features of PHATBEE

Flexible Pricing

In the marketing support industry, most companies set a minimum monthly fee, like “from 50,000 yen per month,” or require a contract period of “at least six months.” At PHATBEE, we don’t have a minimum fee or a fixed contract period. This is because the best quality and characteristic of web advertising and digital marketing is its flexibility and freedom in budget setting. We provide digital marketing services that are accessible and user-friendly for small businesses and all types of businesses.

Results-Oriented Approach

We are committed to our clients’ success by providing services that use effective strategies and proven methods. Our focus is on achieving business objectives, utilizing data-driven analysis and the latest marketing trends to build the best strategies. As a results-oriented team, we continually strive to improve ROI and contribute to business growth, never compromising on quality. We persistently pursue the best performance to ensure impactful outcomes.

Multinational Team

Our multinational team is composed of members with a wide range of knowledge and experience in marketing and web fields. Members from diverse backgrounds bring a variety of perspectives and ideas, enabling us to develop marketing strategies with a global outlook. Overcoming language and cultural differences, we engage in effective communication and collaboration to provide the best solutions that meet our clients’ needs. Our team’s diverse expertise ensures a comprehensive approach to marketing challenges.


Lên chi phí linh hoạt

Trong ngành hỗ trợ tiếp thị, hầu hết các công ty đều đưa ra các chính sách về chi phí tối thiểu như “Phí hàng tháng tối từ 50.000 JPY trở lên” hay điều khoản thời hạn hợp đồng như “Tối thiếu 6 tháng”. Tại PHATBEE, chúng tôi không đưa ra các ràng buộc về chi phí tối thiểu và thời hạn hợp đồng. Để giải thích về điều này, chúng tôi cho rằng điểm tuyệt vời nhất của quảng cáo Web và tiếp thị kỹ thuật số chính là độ linh hoạt và tự do khi dự toán chi phí. Điều chúng tôi hướng đến là bất kể là cửa hàng quy mô khiêm tốn thế nào hay loại hình kinh doanh ra sao cũng có thể sử dụng dịch vụ hỗ trợ tiếp thị kỹ thuật số của chúng tôi và có được những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất về sự linh hoạt này.

Chú trọng vào kết quả thực tế

Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ sử dụng chiến lược hiệu quả và phương pháp có cơ sở thực tiễn để mang lại thành công cho khách hàng. Chúng tôi tập trung đạt được mục tiêu kinh doanh, sử dụng phân tích dữ liệu và những xu hướng tiếp thị mới nhất để từ đó vạch ra những chiến lược tối ưu. Chúng tôi chú trọng vào kết quả thực tế, cố gắng không ngừng nghỉ để đạt được hiệu quả làm việc tốt nhất nhằm đóng góp cho phát triển kinh doanh và nâng cao chỉ số ROI (lợi tức đầu tư tính bằng lợi nhuận ròng trên tổng chi phí đầu tư), cũng như cam kết không thỏa hiệp với bất kỳ tiêu chí chất lượng nào.

Đội ngũ tới từ nhiều quốc gia

Đội ngũ đa quốc gia của chúng tôi bao gồm các thành viên có hiểu biết và kiến thức sâu rộng trong lĩnh vực Marketing và Web. Từng thành viên lại có nền tảng kiến thức và kinh nghiệm khác biệt mang đến các quan điểm và ý tưởng đa dạng từ đó chúng tôi dễ dàng triển khai được chiến lược tiếp thị với tầm nhìn quốc tế. Bằng giao tiếp hiệu quả và nỗ lực, chúng tôi vượt qua mọi rào cản ngôn ngữ và văn hóa và cung cấp những giải pháp tối ưu đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu khách hàng.

To Everyone Struggling with Marketing

Marketing is an indispensable element for businesses of all kinds, whether you’re launching a new venture or aiming for growth.

By partnering with us, you’ll have access to professional designers, creatives, marketing specialists, and consultants who will fully support your business.

Hire our specialized team for less than the cost of employing a single in-house specialist, and achieve significantly greater results. Let’s work together to make a substantial leap in your business success.

To Everyone Struggling with Marketing

Marketing is an indispensable element for businesses of all kinds, whether you’re launching a new venture or aiming for growth.

By partnering with us, you’ll have access to professional designers, creatives, marketing specialists, and consultants who will fully support your business.

Hire our specialized team for less than the cost of employing a single in-house specialist, and achieve significantly greater results. Let’s work together to make a substantial leap in your business success.

Reference Price

Our pricing is customized based on the individual requirements and goals of each client. We thoroughly understand your business’s revenue, industry, location, and objectives to propose the most suitable pricing plan. Instead of setting a one-size-fits-all price, we flexibly adapt to meet your needs. Our goal is to support your success, so we strive to offer the best cost-effectiveness while tailoring our proposals to fit your budget. Please feel free to consult us for detailed pricing information.

For a renovation business with monthly sales of 13 million yen, here’s an outline of their service usage and outcomes
Service UsedGoogle Ads
Marketing Cost2,300,000 yen
Conversions (Document Requests, Inquiries)319
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)194%
For an aesthetic salon with monthly sales of 2.4 million yen, here is an overview of the service utilization and results:
Service UsedGoogle Ads, Meta Ads (Instagram), LINE Ads
Advertising Cost420,000 yen
Estimated Sales from Ads1,270,000 yen
Conversions (Number of Bookings)253
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)238%
For a restaurant with a monthly sales of 1.8 million yen, here’s an example of the service utilization and its impact:
Service UsedGoogle Ads, Meta Ads
Advertising Cost150,000 yen
Estimated Sales from Ads396,600 yen
Conversions (Number of Visitor Groups)305
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)264%

Reference Price

Our pricing is customized based on the individual requirements and goals of each client. We thoroughly understand your business’s revenue, industry, location, and objectives to propose the most suitable pricing plan. Instead of setting a one-size-fits-all price, we flexibly adapt to meet your needs. Our goal is to support your success, so we strive to offer the best cost-effectiveness while tailoring our proposals to fit your budget. Please feel free to consult us for detailed pricing information.

For a renovation business with monthly sales of 13 million yen, here’s an outline of their service usage and outcomes
Service UsedGoogle Ads
Marketing Cost2,300,000 yen
Conversions (Document Requests, Inquiries)319
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)194%
For an aesthetic salon with monthly sales of 2.4 million yen, here is an overview of the service utilization and results:
Service UsedGoogle Ads, Meta Ads (Instagram), LINE Ads
Advertising Cost420,000 yen
Estimated Sales from Ads1,270,000 yen
Conversions (Number of Bookings)253
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)238%
For a restaurant with a monthly sales of 1.8 million yen, here’s an example of the service utilization and its impact:
Service UsedGoogle Ads, Meta Ads
Advertising Cost150,000 yen
Estimated Sales from Ads396,600 yen
Conversions (Number of Visitor Groups)305
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)264%

Service Process

Hearing and Goal Setting

First, we conduct a thorough consultation with the client to understand their needs and requirements. We clarify goals to set the direction that will form the basis of our strategy.


We conduct market and competitor research. Analyzing market trends, customer preferences, and competitors’ strategies provides insights. This step gathers data and information to support our strategy.

Strategy Design

Based on the results of the hearing and research, we design an effective strategy. This includes identifying the target audience, planning messages and content, and selecting channels for a concrete plan.

Strategy Implementation

We put the designed strategy into action. This involves launching advertising campaigns, creating and publishing content, and utilizing social media to actualize and roll out marketing activities.

Data Analysis and Optimization

We analyze the effectiveness of the implemented measures and evaluate the results. Using data such as ad clicks, conversion rates, and website traffic analysis, we identify areas for improvement and optimization. We continuously refine our strategies and tactics based on these findings.

Service Process

Hearing and Goal Setting

First, we conduct a thorough consultation with the client to understand their needs and requirements. We clarify goals to set the direction that will form the basis of our strategy.


We conduct market and competitor research. Analyzing market trends, customer preferences, and competitors’ strategies provides insights. This step gathers data and information to support our strategy.

Strategy Design

Based on the results of the hearing and research, we design an effective strategy. This includes identifying the target audience, planning messages and content, and selecting channels for a concrete plan.

Strategy Implementation

We put the designed strategy into action. This involves launching advertising campaigns, creating and publishing content, and utilizing social media to actualize and roll out marketing activities.

Data Analysis and Optimization

We analyze the effectiveness of the implemented measures and evaluate the results. Using data such as ad clicks, conversion rates, and website traffic analysis, we identify areas for improvement and optimization. We continuously refine our strategies and tactics based on these findings.

Get In Touch!

For any inquiries or consultations related to marketing and web services, or for quotation requests, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We eagerly await your contact and look forward to assisting you.

Get In Touch!

For any inquiries or consultations related to marketing and web services, or for quotation requests, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We eagerly await your contact and look forward to assisting you.